Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Thoughts Regarding The Recent Riot

I think that the recent riot in the Little India area is yet another piece of evidence that the government is losing its ability to manage the basics of the country effectively.  Happening not long after the spate of vandalism acts against various government websites, I feel that the effects of years of neglecting the basics has now become more visible, and are likely to get worse.

Looking at the government's reaction to the riot, I think that it is still not able to fully appreciate the severity of the crisis that we are in.  By stressing that it was an isolated incident, I feel that the Cabinet is still unwilling to take a fundamental reappraisal of its economic strategy, and will continue to pursue a fairly aggressive immigration policy in the pursuit of further economic growth.

To me, the riot ought to be a very loud and clear wake-up call that we need to re-look at how the country is being run.  Unfortunately, I think the lesson will be lost and that there may have to be more serious issues erupting to the surface before both the people and the government become fully aware of the depths of the crisis that we are in.