Thursday, December 22, 2011

Be Vigilant and Prepared

This will be my last post for quite a while, if not permanently.

It's been an interesting year with so many things happening locally and aboard.  Based on what I have seen this year, I expect 2012 to be even more interesting, with plenty of risks and opportunities.  As such, I have decided that I needed to devote more time to prepare my family and myself for the coming crisis that I expect will hit us starting next year.

I wish all of you the best in terms of getting ready.  Be vigilant and prepared, as most Singaporeans are not and will not be.

Take care and God Bless!

Monday, December 19, 2011

On the SMRT Debacle

1. The entire senior management team of SMRT should be replaced with people who have greater operational and technical expertise.

2. Singaporeans need to learn how to be more prepared for things breaking down.  Acting like petulant little children does nothing to solve the problem nor help one deal better with the inconvenience resulting from slower trains and lower frequencies.

Enough said.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Circle Line Issues

This was taken around 6:55 am at the connector between the Circle Line and NS Line at Bishan Station.

This display board has failed to display train arrival information during my morning commute on 3-4 occasions in the past 3 months.  As a piece of electronic equipment, this rate is too high.

Also, since the start of this week, Door 12 of Platform B on the Circle Line at Bishan Station had stopped working, and commuters have had to use the other exits. Now why does it take so long to repair a door?

MRT breakdowns

Major system faults on 2 consecutive days. Sign of the times as far as I am concerned.

I was affected by the outage on Wednesday morning, although the impact was minimal as there were good alternative methods of getting to work.

We need to be prepared. Start by thinking of alternative travel plans for use when the MRT has problems. That would be a good start.

I expect problems in other areas of our public infrastructure as well. Got to start being more aware and prepared.