Monday, April 18, 2011

Thoughts on the PAP Manifesto

The thing that struck me most regarding the PAP Manifesto for the coming GE was PM Lee's reminder to PAP members of the need to maintain a sense of service and humility. Given that I personally know several long-time PAP members, I can safely say that the sense of service and humility is definitely there amongst this small group of people.

Having said that, I wonder how much of this sense is imbued into PAP candidates who are 'parachuted' into the political system without having gone through the grind of serving in grassroots organisation from the ground up.

I also wonder the extent to which multi-million dollar salaries help to undermine that sense of service and humility. Looking at it from a Confucianist perspective, I personally would be convinced of the humility of our ministers if they were to follow the example of one of ancient China's legendary minister, 晏婴 (yan ying) of the Qi Kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history.

Yan Ying was a capable minister who lived a simple and contented material life, always looking out for the interest of ordinary people. As described by Baidu Baike:



Yan Ying assisted 3 rulers of the Qi State as a hardworking official of utmost probity.   He dealt with affairs of the state in an impartial manner, helping friends and family only when their requests were legal.  He never accepted gifts and bribes, and even gave away his salary to help family, friends and those in need. 



Yan Ying lived a very frugal life, eating coarse foods for meals and wearing simple clothing.  He lived in a shabby dwelling and rode on an inferior carriage when attending court.  Once, when Lord Jing saw that Yan Ying had an old and ugly wife, he desired to betroth his beloved daughter to the latter, but was politely turned down.

In the old days, such great virtues of simplicity could be found in the likes of our founding fathers like Dr. Goh Keng Swee. Unfortunately, I can't say the same of the current crop of PAP politicians.

If we want to convince others, it is best that we lead by example. For politicians, that means understanding and applying the following words of Confucius:
The Master said, 'If a minister make his own conduct correct, what difficulty will he have in assisting in government? If he cannot rectify himself, what has he to do with rectifying others?'
Zilu asked about government. The Master said, 'Go before the people with your example, and be laborious in their affairs.' 
Notes: Translations added for those who can't read Chinese.


  1. Hi, enjoyed reading your post. able to translate the above into english? i had given my chinese back to my teachers... haha :)

  2. hi there. this is nonuaght. love reading your posts.
    keep it up sir. :)

  3. Sir, if you have the time, can you share with readers of your blog on what you think of gahmen's asset enhancement program. This has been repeated several times by various ministers since campaigning starts. Thanks.
