Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Presidential Elections: Make Your Own Decision

This is in response to an article at the website, telling Singaporeans to vote for Tan Jee Say, their candidate of choice, so as to deny Dr. Tony Tan a victory.

As much as the site and its fans claims to support freedom and democracy, especially through their constant criticisms of the government, they have found it fit to tell others how to vote in order to achieve their objective.

To my mind, this is just another example of the Gramscian/Alinskyite Marxist tactics that I have often detected from that site and its supporters, the classic bait-and-switch of telling the people one thing and then doing another thing.  The other more prominent example is of course spreading falsehoods, and not bothering to apologise for errors, while claiming to be more 'truthful' than the state-controlled mainstream media.  All these are part of the dialectical methods deployed in order to unsettle the people into various conflicts.

For me, respect for individual rights and freedom means not trying to tell others how to vote, but to allow them to make up their own minds.  If those who do not wish to vote for Dr. Tony Tan should split their votes amongst the other three candidates, who is to disapprove of such actions and urge Singaporeans to unite behind their candidate of choice?  They may think that they are locked into some kind of warfare against the PAP, but the rest of us who are equally capable of making up our own minds may not share such sentiments.

And yes, labour unions and other civic groups should also stop endorsing Dr. Tony Tan, as they too have no right to try to influence how their members vote.

To my fellow Singaporeans - Make up your own minds.  Vote for the candidate you think can best represent your interests.

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