Thursday, May 24, 2012

Asia Decoupling

We are getting more and more news about China slowing down. India is also slowing down as we can tell from the easing monetary policy actions. Japan is in full QE mode as far as I can tell. While I have not followed the news about the rest of Asia, it is likely that the story is the same.

Many have blamed this slowdown on the problems Olin Europe. There is some truth in that claim. Be that as it may, it does mean that the much hoped for decoupling of Asia from the developed world has yet to happen.

Here in Singapore, there is still talk of pay hikes. It seems like there is still complacency about how things can turn bad.

For me, I prefer to be safe than sorry. On full defensive mode now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I just want to encourage you to keep doing what you do on this blog because the whole world, and not just Singaporeans, need to know the times that we are living in and are heading towards. Thank you for your blog.
